Loan Security

Introduced in Version 13

A Loan Security is the actual security that is going to be pledged against a loan.

During a loan process, if the loan for which the customer is applying is a secured loan then some kind of security needs to be pledged against that loan. Loan Security specifies the actual security that is going to be pledged against a Loan.

Make Loan Security

To access the Loan Security list, go to:

Home > Loan Management > Loan Security > Loan Security

Loan Security

1. Prerequisites

Before creating and using a Loan Security, it is advised that you create the following first:

  1. Loan Security Type

2. How to Create a Loan Security

  1. Go to the Loan Security list, click on New.
  2. Select the Loan Security Type.
  3. Enter Haircut %.
  4. Enter Loan Security Code.
  5. Enter current Loan Security Price.
  6. Enter Unit of Measurement
  7. Click on Save.